A therapist will typically start this type of massage at your neck. One of the main benefits of manual lymphatic drainage massage is to help lymph flow more freely throughout your body. The therapist will lightly massage different body areas to move fluid. Medical lymphatic drainagegoal will be to ensure that fluid is allowed to flow in and out of your tissues equally. For example, excessive fluid can make it harder for nutrients and oxygen to pass through your tissues.
If your lymphatic drainage massage faceis damaged, severe problems can result. For example, you may have highly swollen limbs that could reduce your mobility and self-esteem. It can also lead to severe pain and discomfort. This condition is known as lymphedema. A massage in a day spa can help sufferers manage their lymphedema and be part of a treatment program to reduce limb size and improve other systems.
Deep tissue sports massage near mehelps to calm the nervous system. However, the therapist must use a very light touch so that histamines are not stimulated in the tissues. Nevertheless, it creates a relaxed state and can be a great help for people who suffer from hypertension. Another benefit many believe this form of massage offers is that it can help boost the body's immune system.
For more information please visit: https://www.pinklotustherapeutics.com/
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